Innonest Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad.


Why Fin-Tech?

India has the highest FinTech adoption rate globally

The definition of financial technology applies to technology and innovation designed to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. For example, the online payment portals are the best examples for Fin-Tech.

Day by day, we hear so many names and so many new technologies and advancements in these portals. Today, these portals can help us recharge our mobile connection, pay bills, shop, book online tickets, order food online, etc. Tomorrow who knows, there may come a portal that will help us operate electric vehicles.

Fin-Tech, if understood correctly, is a vastly creative field. And we at InnoPitch help getting backing to such creativity.  I startups in Bangalore alone. With the dearth of trained manpower and sophisticated jobs, India is all the more in need of enabling AI. For example, even with all the support from the Government and private interest, healthcare is inaccessible and unaffordable to over 70% of the population.

At InnoPitch we believe that, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning have seen tremendous uptake by entrepreneurs, potential in sectors such as healthcare, jobtech, fintech, education to provide accessible and affordable business solutions for people in India. 

How does funding work for creators at InnoPitch?